Find duplicate records

Find duplicate records and do something with them

numero = 207
interpreted = N
texte =
[!] ** Untested Code below ** [/!][table name=idandemail&fields=ie_ID,ie_EMAIL][/table][search db=main.db&neDB_EMAILdatarq=[blank]]  [founditems]    [append table=idandemail]ie_ID=[db_ID]&ie_EMAIL=[url][db_EMAIL][/url][/append]  [/founditems][/search][search db=main.db&neDB_EMAILdatarq=[blank]&DB_EMAILsumm=T]  [founditems]    [text]found=[search table=idandemail&eqIE_EMAILdatarq=[url][db_EMAIL][/url]][/search][/text]    [!] do something based off of [found] [/!]  [/founditems][/search]
[!] ** Untested Code below ** [/!]

[table name=idandemail&fields=ie_ID,ie_EMAIL][/table]

[search db=main.db&neDB_EMAILdatarq=[blank]]
[append table=idandemail]ie_ID=[db_ID]&ie_EMAIL=[url][db_EMAIL][/url][/append]

[search db=main.db&neDB_EMAILdatarq=[blank]&DB_EMAILsumm=T]
[text]found=[search table=idandemail&eqIE_EMAILdatarq=[url][db_EMAIL][/url]][/search][/text]

[!] do something based off of [found] [/!]


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