Generate a random alpha-numeric string
numero = 49[text]PasswordLength=8[/text][text]Chars=abcdefghijkmpqrstuvwxyz23456789[/text][text]Max=[countchars][Chars][/countchars][/text][text]Pass=[/text][loop start=1&end=[PasswordLength]] [text]X=[math]ceil([random format=float]*[Max])[/math][/text] [text]Pass=[Pass][getchars start=[X]&end=[X]][Chars][/getchars][/text][/loop][Pass]You can change [PasswordLength] to whatever you need, so if you wanted to generate a 128 character key, for instance, change it to 128.Also, for my purposes, I removed any characters that would be 'confusing' (e.g. 1 & l, O &0), but you can have whatever characters you like in the [Chars] variable.
[loop start=1&end=[PasswordLength]]
[text]X=[math]ceil([random format=float]*[Max])[/math][/text]
[text]Pass=[Pass][getchars start=[X]&end=[X]][Chars][/getchars][/text]
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