How to create a RSS feed

How to create a RSS feed from yourdatabase on formation

numero = 208
interpreted = N
texte = How to create a RSS feed from yourdatabase on formation. Upon loading this page a new version of your RSS is generated. Change all the "YourDomain, YourName, YourRSS, YourLogo, YourDescription" and adjust the URL's and database calls as needed. Samples: feed:// feed://
<!-- HAS_WEBDNA_TAGS --><HTML>[WriteFile YourRSS.xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content=""xmlns:wfw=""xmlns:dc=""xmlns:atom=""><channel><title> RSS</title><link></link><image><title></title><link></link><url></url></image><description>YourDescription of your RSS info.</description><pubDate>[date %a, %d %b %Y] 03:11:00 +0000</pubDate><copyright>[DATE format=%Y] YourDomain. All rights reserved.</copyright><ttl>60</ttl><webMaster> (YourName)</webMaster><managingEditor> (YourName)</managingEditor><generator>WebDNA</generator><language>en-us</language><atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />[/WriteFile]<!-- YourDatabase.db format: sku,pix,link,xdate,title -->[SEARCH db=YourDatabase.db&neSKUdatarq=0&SKUsort=1][FOUNDITEMS][AppendFile YourRSS.xml]<item><category>YourRSS</category><title>[title]</title><description><![CDATA[[removeHTML][title][/removeHTML]]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[<P><img src="[pix].jpg" align="left">[removeHTML][title][/removeHTML]</P>]]></content:encoded><!-- xdate format: [date %a, %d %b %Y] --><pubDate>[XDATE] [TIME] +0000</pubDate> <link>[link]</link><guid isPermaLink="true">[link]</guid><wfw:commentRss>[link]</wfw:commentRss><comments></comments></item>[/AppendFile][/FOUNDITEMS][/SEARCH][AppendFile YourRSS.xml]</channel></rss>[/AppendFile]<!-- Created by Possession Studios. For more information visit --></HTML>
Then validate your new RSS feed using the following... How to create a RSS feed from yourdatabase on formation.

Upon loading this page a new version of your RSS is generated.
Change all the "YourDomain, YourName, YourRSS, YourLogo, YourDescription" and adjust the URL's and database calls as needed.




[WriteFile YourRSS.xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<rss version="2.0"

<title> RSS</title>
<description>YourDescription of your RSS info.</description>
<pubDate>[date %a, %d %b %Y] 03:11:00 +0000</pubDate>
<copyright>[DATE format=%Y] YourDomain. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<webMaster> (YourName)</webMaster>
<managingEditor> (YourName)</managingEditor>
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />

<!-- YourDatabase.db format: sku,pix,link,xdate,title -->

[SEARCH db=YourDatabase.db&neSKUdatarq=0&SKUsort=1]
[AppendFile YourRSS.xml]

<content:encoded><![CDATA[<P><img src="[pix].jpg" align="left">[removehtml][title][/removeHTML]</P>]]></content:encoded>
<!-- xdate format: [date %a, %d %b %Y] -->
<pubDate>[XDATE] [time] +0000</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="true">[link]</guid>


[AppendFile YourRSS.xml]

<!-- Created by Possession Studios. For more information visit -->


Then validate your new RSS feed using the following... Bill Johnson


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