Spaghetti code

How to get rid of very long search strings

numero = 50
interpreted = N
texte = Lookup your variables beforehand, then feed them into your search for cleaner, easier to read code. I also use the comment tags ([!] and [/!]) to hide linebreaks in order to make the search string easier to read.
[text]blah=[lookup etc...][/text][text]blahblah=[lookup etc...][/text][search db=some.db&[!] [/!]eqFIELDNAMEdatarq=[url][blah][/url]&[!] [/!]geFIELDNAME2datarq=[url][blahblah][/url]&[!] [/!]FIELDNAME2type=num&[!] [/!]asFIELDNAME2sort=1&[!] [/!]etc[!] [/!]] [founditems][fields_from_found_records] [/founditems][/search]
Lookup your variables beforehand, then feed them into your search for cleaner, easier to read code. I also use the comment tags ([!] and [/!]) to hide linebreaks in order to make the search string easier to read.

[text]blah=[lookup etc...][/text]
[text]blahblah=[lookup etc...][/text]

[search db=some.db&[!]



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