File upload example

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the form variables for a multipart/form-data form submission are very different from standard form variables. Since you will need access to all the raw data in the form, the "name" of the form variables includes all the mime information that is normally parsed out. Thus when you have an input field like <name="action" value="upload">, that is in a multipart form, the name of the form variable is something like this: -Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action"- (as opposed to -action-). The value, however, shows up as -upload-. When inside a [raw][formvariables][/raw] loop, you usually would do something like this: [raw][showif [url][name][/url]^[url]"action"[/url]][/raw]. Thus you cannot easily access a particular form variable without looping through all of them and looking for the name contained in the [raw][name][/raw] parameter.

<!--HAS_WEBDNA_TAGS--><html>Upload an image:<br><form method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="upload.tpl"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload">Select the file: <input type="file" name="thefile" value=""><br>Name the file: <input name="thename" value=""><br><input type="submit" name="after" value="ok"></form><br><br>[text]thename=[/text][formvariables][showif [url][name][/url]^[url]"thename"[/url]][text]thename=[value][/text][/showif][/formvariables][hideif [thename]=]Form Variables:<br><table border=1><tr><td>Index</td><td>Name</td></tr>[formvariables]<tr><td>[index]</td><td><pre>[name]</pre></td></tr>[/formvariables]</table><br>[formvariables][showif [url][name][/url]^[url]"theFile"[/url]][writefile file=[thename]&secure=F][value][/writefile][/showif][/formvariables]<a href="[thename]">see picture</a>[/hideif]</html>

the form variables for a multipart/form-data form submission are very different from standard form variables. Since you will need access to all the raw data in the form, the "name" of the form variables includes all the mime information that is normally parsed out. Thus when you have an input field like <name="action" value="upload">, that is in a multipart form, the name of the form variable is something like this:

-Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action"- (as opposed to -action-).

The value, however, shows up as -upload-.

When inside a [raw][formvariables][/raw] loop, you usually would do something like this:

[raw][showif [url][name][/url]^[url]"action"[/url]][/raw].

Thus you cannot easily access a particular form variable without looping through all of them and looking for the name contained in the [raw][name][/raw] parameter.


Upload an image:<br>
<form method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="upload.tpl">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload">
Select the file: <input type="file" name="thefile" value=""><br>
Name the file: <input name="thename" value=""><br>
<input type="submit" name="after" value="ok">

[showif [url][name][/url]^[url]"thename"[/url]]

[hideif [thename]=]
Form Variables:<br>
<table border=1>


[showif [url][name][/url]^[url]"theFile"[/url]]
[writefile file=[thename]&secure=F][value][/writefile]

<a href="[thename]">see picture</a>


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