WebDNA Google Map Mashup

Generate a Google map with pins on your database addresses

numero = 311
interpreted = N
texte = This is a fairly simple code snippet that will generate a Google map of your founditems. The map code itself is small and tidy, and takes only a few variables to define the default map's size, centerpoint and zoom level. You will also need to make a quick trip to Google to fetch a free key good for any map at your specific domain name. The hard part of the operation is mapping your addresses with longitude and latitude coordinates. I've written a script that helps in this regard using a simple scraping method (no special API calls or unwieldy XML necessary). Instructions are on the two pages that comprise the module.
Get the Module
This module will show you how to use [tcpsend] and [tcpconnect] to scrape data from pages, [middle] to extract just what you need, and then write it to your database. This is a fairly simple code snippet that will generate a Google map of your founditems. The map code itself is small and tidy, and takes only a few variables to define the default map's size, centerpoint and zoom level. You will also need to make a quick trip to Google to fetch a free key good for any map at your specific domain name.

The hard part of the operation is mapping your addresses with longitude and latitude coordinates. I've written a script that helps in this regard using a simple scraping method (no special API calls or unwieldy XML necessary). Instructions are on the two pages that comprise the module.

Get the Module

This module will show you how to use [tcpsend] and [tcpconnect] to scrape data from pages, [middle] to extract just what you need, and then write it to your database. Terry Wilson


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