Re: code to phantom spacing

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numero = 36630
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texte = >I placed the [converchars] just after the >and closed it [/convertchars] after the > >(I even tried adding a few chars to replace: %09, %20). > >The result was that the endless scroll bar has now moved to the horizontal >(still endless). There are still 40+ lines of vertical, so returns are not >being completely removed. Hi Jon,First of all you should NOT replace the spaces (%20) because that will screw up not only the HTML but the plain text on the page. You should NOT be getting rid of space characters! I suggested removing only cr's, lf's, and possibly tab's -- I never suggested removing space characters -- so the first thing you need to do is fix your db so it does not include this character. If you MUST reduce the occurrence of multiple spaces in a row, you will have to use convertwords instead, but that's only available in version 4. And you would have to use it in a very specific manner in order to make it work properly with multiple-space strings anyways, so let's not get into that solution right now, let's focus on what's wrong with your implementation of the solution I already posted ...Second, it would be best if you follow my suggestions exactly. There's a reason for this, so just put the convertchars tags at the very top and bottom of the page like I suggested. They should be the first and last text that appears on the page -- no exceptions. And the one at the top of the page needs to be [convertchars db=^noReturns.db] not simply [convertchars] as you stated above.Third, did you format your noReturns.db is properly? If not, you'll have to fix it or the result will leave some cr's or lf's in the page, and the goal here is to get rod of ALL of them. If the last line in the db has anything on it other than a single carriage return, that's probably what's causing the problem. All webcat db's must end with a cr character in order to work proeprly.I posted this solution because it works for me on the MacOS and theoretically should work on all the other OS's as well, because all it's doing is removing the two new line characters used on all computer platforms -- cr's and lf's. Therefore, unless this works only on the MacOS for some reason, it seems like you've done something else wrong. So once you move the tags to the very top and bottom of the page, and fix your database, please run another test then tell me:Are *all* the cr's and lf's removed in the resulting page? Or do some of these characters still exist in the resulting browser source?Please post the source of the page after you run this test, thanks.================================================= Kenneth Grome WebDNA Consultant telephone number: 011 63 32 486-9077 telephone number: 011 63 919 749-0060 business web site: personal web site: =================================================------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: code to phantom spacing (Glenn Busbin 2001)
  2. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  3. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  4. Re: code to phantom spacing (Kenneth Grome 2001)
  5. Re: code to phantom spacing (Kenneth Grome 2001)
  6. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  7. Re: code to phantom spacing (Brian Fries 2001)
  8. Re: code to phantom spacing (John Peacock 2001)
  9. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  10. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  11. Re: Was Re: code to phantom spacing -- now BBEdit [!][/!] (Paolo Coppo 2001)
  12. Re: Was Re: code to phantom spacing -- now BBEdit [!][/!] (John Peacock 2001)
  13. Re: Was Re: code to phantom spacing -- now BBEdit [!][/!] (dale 2001)
  14. Was Re: code to phantom spacing -- now BBEdit [!][/!] (Christopher Mackay 2001)
  15. Re: code to phantom spacing (John Peacock 2001)
  16. Re: code to phantom spacing (Samuel Renkert 2001)
  17. Re: code to phantom spacing (Kenneth Grome 2001)
  18. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  19. Re: code to phantom spacing (Kenneth Grome 2001)
  20. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  21. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  22. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  23. Re: code to phantom spacing (Kenneth Grome 2001)
  24. Re: code to phantom spacing (Glenn Busbin 2001)
  25. Re: code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
  26. Re: code to phantom spacing (Kenneth Grome 2001)
  27. Re: code to phantom spacing (John Peacock 2001)
  28. Re: code to phantom spacing (Kenneth Grome 2001)
  29. code to phantom spacing (Jon Robinson 2001)
>I placed the [converchars] just after the >and closed it [/convertchars] after the > >(I even tried adding a few chars to replace: %09, %20). > >The result was that the endless scroll bar has now moved to the horizontal >(still endless). There are still 40+ lines of vertical, so returns are not >being completely removed. Hi Jon,First of all you should NOT replace the spaces (%20) because that will screw up not only the HTML but the plain text on the page. You should NOT be getting rid of space characters! I suggested removing only cr's, lf's, and possibly tab's -- I never suggested removing space characters -- so the first thing you need to do is fix your db so it does not include this character. If you MUST reduce the occurrence of multiple spaces in a row, you will have to use convertwords instead, but that's only available in version 4. And you would have to use it in a very specific manner in order to make it work properly with multiple-space strings anyways, so let's not get into that solution right now, let's focus on what's wrong with your implementation of the solution I already posted ...Second, it would be best if you follow my suggestions exactly. There's a reason for this, so just put the convertchars tags at the very top and bottom of the page like I suggested. They should be the first and last text that appears on the page -- no exceptions. And the one at the top of the page needs to be [convertchars db=^noReturns.db] not simply [convertchars] as you stated above.Third, did you format your noReturns.db is properly? If not, you'll have to fix it or the result will leave some cr's or lf's in the page, and the goal here is to get rod of ALL of them. If the last line in the db has anything on it other than a single carriage return, that's probably what's causing the problem. All webcat db's must end with a cr character in order to work proeprly.I posted this solution because it works for me on the MacOS and theoretically should work on all the other OS's as well, because all it's doing is removing the two new line characters used on all computer platforms -- cr's and lf's. Therefore, unless this works only on the MacOS for some reason, it seems like you've done something else wrong. So once you move the tags to the very top and bottom of the page, and fix your database, please run another test then tell me:Are *all* the cr's and lf's removed in the resulting page? Or do some of these characters still exist in the resulting browser source?Please post the source of the page after you run this test, thanks.================================================= Kenneth Grome WebDNA Consultant telephone number: 011 63 32 486-9077 telephone number: 011 63 919 749-0060 business web site: personal web site: =================================================------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Kenneth Grome


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