Re: Question on lineitems

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 43677
interpreted = N
texte = And, just to expound on this a little further, here is all the code that is necessary to prevent duplicate items from being added to the cart in the first place: [orderfile] [lineitems] [math show=f]added[sku]=1[/math] [/lineitems] [/orderfile][formvariables name=checked&exact=false] [hideif [interpret][added[getchars start=8][name][/getchars]][/interpret]=1] [addlineitem cart=[cart]&db=catalog.db&sku=[getchars start=8][name][/getchars]][/addlineitem] [/hideif] [/formvariables] See it in action here:, go and play with both versions, and see which one you would prefer if you were the customer... Regards,WillOn Saturday, September 21, 2002, at 01:24 PM, NovaDerm Skincare Science wrote:> Wise man (me) once say: > > It is better to repair the the dam than try and stop the water once > the dam has burst. > ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Question on lineitems (Paul 2002)
  2. Re: Question on lineitems (NovaDerm Skincare Science 2002)
  3. Re: Question on lineitems (NovaDerm Skincare Science 2002)
  4. Re: Question on lineitems (NovaDerm Skincare Science 2002)
  5. Re: Question on lineitems (Paul Berman 2002)
  6. Re: Thanks and new Question on lineitems (NovaDerm Skincare Science 2002)
  7. Re: Thanks and new Question on lineitems (Paul Berman 2002)
  8. Re: Thanks and new Question on lineitems (NovaDerm Skincare Science 2002)
  9. Re: Thanks and new Question on lineitems (Paul 2002)
  10. Re: Thanks and new Question on lineitems (Daryl Mitchell 2002)
  11. Re: Thanks and new Question on lineitems (Robert Wade 2002)
  12. Re: Thanks and new Question on lineitems (Paul Berman 2002)
And, just to expound on this a little further, here is all the code that is necessary to prevent duplicate items from being added to the cart in the first place: [orderfile] [lineitems] [math show=f]added[sku]=1[/math] [/lineitems] [/orderfile][formvariables name=checked&exact=false] [hideif [interpret][added[getchars start=8][name][/getchars]][/interpret]=1] [addlineitem cart=[cart]&db=catalog.db&sku=[getchars start=8][name][/getchars]][/addlineitem] [/hideif] [/formvariables] See it in action here:, go and play with both versions, and see which one you would prefer if you were the customer... Regards,WillOn Saturday, September 21, 2002, at 01:24 PM, NovaDerm Skincare Science wrote:> Wise man (me) once say: > > It is better to repair the the dam than try and stop the water once > the dam has burst. > ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: NovaDerm Skincare Science


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