Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger

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texte = Hey Daryl, I'm not sure if you or anybody else has found the answer to this =20 problem yet but I found a way to make it work and I figured I would =20 share it. What I did was after I updated the server software to 10.4 =20= I found that I had to manually boot webcatalog on startup. I also =20 found however that there is the startup script still in the startup =20 items located in /System/Library/StartupItems/WebCatalog. Obviously =20 it doesn't work otherwise webcatalog would have booted up so what I =20 tried doing was moving the startup item into /Library/StartupItems =20 and starting up again. When I restarted it took an extra long time =20 to fully boot up, once I had boot up and logged back into the server =20 however it came up with an alert window saying that WebCatalogs =20 startup script wasn't the proper permissions and asked me if I wanted =20= to correct them. I clicked "Correct Permissions" and I'm not sure if =20= it asks to restart or not since this was a while ago, but either way, =20= once the system restarted I moved the startup item out of /Library/=20 StartupItems, and moved it back into /System/Library/StartupItems/ =20 and rebooted one more time. This time I didn't log in as anybody and =20= left the server at the login screen to insure that I could do a =20 proper test, I used another machine to try out a webcatalog site and =20 sure enough it worked which obviously meant that webcatalog was =20 booting up on startup once again. Basically the problem with it is permissions. I don't know if there =20 is a stream lined way to go about fixing the problem or not, but I =20 was surprised that Tiger server detected the problem and wanted to =20 fix it when I transfered it to the other StartupItems folder. Once =20 it fixes it, move it back where it belongs and all is good as new. Hope this helps -- Craig Forest ColdWave Networks Begin forwarded message: From: Daryl Mitchell Date: July 8, 2005 2:35:48 PM MDT (CA) To: "WebDNA Talk" Subject: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger Reply-To: "WebDNA Talk" WebDNA 6, OS X 10.4.1 Any one figure out how to get WebDNA to start automatically at =20 bootup, or is it still an unresolved problem? ------ Daryl Mitchell, E-Business Specialist PW Group Ltd. =B7 Saskatoon, SK CANADA Tel: (306) 665-3557 =B7 Fax (306) 664-0094 =B7 ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Craig Forest 2005)
  2. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Alex McCombie 2005)
  3. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Rob 2005)
  4. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Alex McCombie 2005)
  5. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Alex McCombie 2005)
  6. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Craig Forest 2005)
  7. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Jim Lanford 2005)
  8. WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Daryl Mitchell 2005)
Hey Daryl, I'm not sure if you or anybody else has found the answer to this =20 problem yet but I found a way to make it work and I figured I would =20 share it. What I did was after I updated the server software to 10.4 =20= I found that I had to manually boot webcatalog on startup. I also =20 found however that there is the startup script still in the startup =20 items located in /System/Library/StartupItems/WebCatalog. Obviously =20 it doesn't work otherwise webcatalog would have booted up so what I =20 tried doing was moving the startup item into /Library/StartupItems =20 and starting up again. When I restarted it took an extra long time =20 to fully boot up, once I had boot up and logged back into the server =20 however it came up with an alert window saying that WebCatalogs =20 startup script wasn't the proper permissions and asked me if I wanted =20= to correct them. I clicked "Correct Permissions" and I'm not sure if =20= it asks to restart or not since this was a while ago, but either way, =20= once the system restarted I moved the startup item out of /Library/=20 StartupItems, and moved it back into /System/Library/StartupItems/ =20 and rebooted one more time. This time I didn't log in as anybody and =20= left the server at the login screen to insure that I could do a =20 proper test, I used another machine to try out a webcatalog site and =20 sure enough it worked which obviously meant that webcatalog was =20 booting up on startup once again. Basically the problem with it is permissions. I don't know if there =20 is a stream lined way to go about fixing the problem or not, but I =20 was surprised that Tiger server detected the problem and wanted to =20 fix it when I transfered it to the other StartupItems folder. Once =20 it fixes it, move it back where it belongs and all is good as new. Hope this helps -- Craig Forest ColdWave Networks Begin forwarded message: From: Daryl Mitchell Date: July 8, 2005 2:35:48 PM MDT (CA) To: "WebDNA Talk" Subject: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger Reply-To: "WebDNA Talk" WebDNA 6, OS X 10.4.1 Any one figure out how to get WebDNA to start automatically at =20 bootup, or is it still an unresolved problem? ------ Daryl Mitchell, E-Business Specialist PW Group Ltd. =B7 Saskatoon, SK CANADA Tel: (306) 665-3557 =B7 Fax (306) 664-0094 =B7 ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Craig Forest


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