Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger

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numero = 63216
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texte = Craig, Any anyone else. I tried the solution below and while it had the desired effect of launching WebDNA at startup it effectively disabled the ability for Webstar's Admin Client to connect to the admin server. I am not sure why this happens but it is consistent across a couple of machines and installs. :-( Bummer. For the life of me no matter how many permission I fix beyond that (first with webstar and then wit disk utility) my client will NOT connect again until I deal with a clean system install. I am sure there is something somewhere but damn if I can find it. So are there ANY other options on the table? I am sitting here with 2 brand new Macs and unable to get WebDNA to run (at least past the first restart). SMSI? 10.4 and DNA 6 and Webstar 5.4 2005/07/10 12:11:52 Craig Forest Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger Hey Daryl, I'm not sure if you or anybody else has found the answer to this =20 problem yet but I found a way to make it work and I figured I would =20 share it. What I did was after I updated the server software to 10.4 =20= I found that I had to manually boot webcatalog on startup. I also =20 found however that there is the startup script still in the startup =20 items located in /System/Library/StartupItems/WebCatalog. Obviously =20 it doesn't work otherwise webcatalog would have booted up so what I =20 tried doing was moving the startup item into /Library/StartupItems =20 and starting up again. When I restarted it took an extra long time =20 to fully boot up, once I had boot up and logged back into the server =20 however it came up with an alert window saying that WebCatalogs =20 startup script wasn't the proper permissions and asked me if I wanted =20= to correct them. I clicked "Correct Permissions" and I'm not sure if =20= it asks to restart or not since this was a while ago, but either way, =20= once the system restarted I moved the startup item out of /Library/=20 StartupItems, and moved it back into /System/Library/StartupItems/ =20 and rebooted one more time. This time I didn't log in as anybody and =20= left the server at the login screen to insure that I could do a =20 proper test, I used another machine to try out a webcatalog site and =20 sure enough it worked which obviously meant that webcatalog was =20 booting up on startup once again. Basically the problem with it is permissions. I don't know if there =20 is a stream lined way to go about fixing the problem or not, but I =20 was surprised that Tiger server detected the problem and wanted to =20 fix it when I transfered it to the other StartupItems folder. Once =20 it fixes it, move it back where it belongs and all is good as new. Hope this helps -- Craig Forest ColdWave Networks ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Craig Forest 2005)
  2. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Alex McCombie 2005)
  3. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Rob 2005)
  4. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Alex McCombie 2005)
  5. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Alex McCombie 2005)
  6. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Craig Forest 2005)
  7. Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Jim Lanford 2005)
  8. WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger ( Daryl Mitchell 2005)
Craig, Any anyone else. I tried the solution below and while it had the desired effect of launching WebDNA at startup it effectively disabled the ability for Webstar's Admin Client to connect to the admin server. I am not sure why this happens but it is consistent across a couple of machines and installs. :-( Bummer. For the life of me no matter how many permission I fix beyond that (first with webstar and then wit disk utility) my client will NOT connect again until I deal with a clean system install. I am sure there is something somewhere but damn if I can find it. So are there ANY other options on the table? I am sitting here with 2 brand new Macs and unable to get WebDNA to run (at least past the first restart). SMSI? 10.4 and DNA 6 and Webstar 5.4 2005/07/10 12:11:52 Craig Forest Re: WebDNA 6 and OS X Tiger Hey Daryl, I'm not sure if you or anybody else has found the answer to this =20 problem yet but I found a way to make it work and I figured I would =20 share it. What I did was after I updated the server software to 10.4 =20= I found that I had to manually boot webcatalog on startup. I also =20 found however that there is the startup script still in the startup =20 items located in /System/Library/StartupItems/WebCatalog. Obviously =20 it doesn't work otherwise webcatalog would have booted up so what I =20 tried doing was moving the startup item into /Library/StartupItems =20 and starting up again. When I restarted it took an extra long time =20 to fully boot up, once I had boot up and logged back into the server =20 however it came up with an alert window saying that WebCatalogs =20 startup script wasn't the proper permissions and asked me if I wanted =20= to correct them. I clicked "Correct Permissions" and I'm not sure if =20= it asks to restart or not since this was a while ago, but either way, =20= once the system restarted I moved the startup item out of /Library/=20 StartupItems, and moved it back into /System/Library/StartupItems/ =20 and rebooted one more time. This time I didn't log in as anybody and =20= left the server at the login screen to insure that I could do a =20 proper test, I used another machine to try out a webcatalog site and =20 sure enough it worked which obviously meant that webcatalog was =20 booting up on startup once again. Basically the problem with it is permissions. I don't know if there =20 is a stream lined way to go about fixing the problem or not, but I =20 was surprised that Tiger server detected the problem and wanted to =20 fix it when I transfered it to the other StartupItems folder. Once =20 it fixes it, move it back where it belongs and all is good as new. Hope this helps -- Craig Forest ColdWave Networks ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Alex McCombie


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