Re: Database changes

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numero = 16175
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texte = >It will always overwrite a file that has been modified, though, and concerns me that some people want to upload new files even if the WebCatalog-cached ones have been modified in RAM. This represents a serious consistency problem in general (not matter what product you use) -- if the changes are so unimportant that it's OK to overwrite them, then why bother changing the database at all?Well, for one thing, a WebCat developer usually creates test db's and replaces them with new test db's as each site is created. For those of us in this situation, the changes we make really are unimportant because we are only making those changes in order to prove to ourselves that WebCat is actually changing the data the way we expect it to.But on a live server, there may still be reasons why we would not want RAM-cached data overwriting our new data, whether or not it has been changed.For example, sometimes I take my db and load it into Panorama so I can make some global changes to a whole lot of records. I use Panorama because it's got a desktop interface and the tools I need to do things WebCat cannot -- and it's fast.Now, I want to upload my newly-changed and exported db to the server so WebCat can use it. But I don't want WebCat overwriting my new db with the old one when I replace it manually.However, WebCat *will* overwrite my new db as soon as my next web site visitor makes a change to this database thru one of WebCat's templates, because my new db will have a different mod date than the file it's replacing. :So I need to take special precautions to keep that from happening:1- Quit WebCat to prevent it from overwriting our new db files, or ... 2- Use one of Christer's suggestions, either of which work very well.I've used both of Christer's suggestions, but not in development except to test them. In development it's easier for me to quit WebCat, then replace the files manually, then restart WebCat.But on a live server his #2 suggestion is the one I've used the most, probably because it lets me change my db format (I can add new fields, change field names, etc.) ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes (Stuart Tremain 2016)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes (Patrick McCormick 2016)
  3. Was: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes - Now: WebDNA Data Model ( 2016)
  4. [BULK] Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes (Alex McCombie 2016)
  5. Was: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes - Now: WebDNA Data Model ( 2016)
  6. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes ( 2016)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes (Stuart Tremain 2016)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes (Brian Burton 2016)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes (Kenneth Grome 2016)
  10. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes ( 2016)
  11. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes (Brian Burton 2016)
  12. Re: [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes ( 2016)
  13. [WebDNA] Wishlist: ignore whitespace in database changes (Brian Burton 2016)
  14. Re: Database Changes (WebDNA Support 2000)
  15. Re: Database Changes (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  16. Database Changes (Glenn Busbin 2000)
  17. Re: Database changes (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  18. Re: Database changes (Jeffrey L. Jones 1998)
  19. Re: Database changes (Grant Hulbert 1998)
  20. Re: Database changes (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  21. Re: Database changes (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  22. Re: Database changes (Grant Hulbert 1998)
  23. Re: Database changes (RH Prouty 1998)
  24. Re: Database changes (Christer Olsson 1998)
  25. Re: Database changes (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  26. Re: Database changes (Grant Hulbert 1998)
  27. Database changes (Dennis J. Bonsall, Jr. 1998)
>It will always overwrite a file that has been modified, though, and concerns me that some people want to upload new files even if the WebCatalog-cached ones have been modified in RAM. This represents a serious consistency problem in general (not matter what product you use) -- if the changes are so unimportant that it's OK to overwrite them, then why bother changing the database at all?Well, for one thing, a WebCat developer usually creates test db's and replaces them with new test db's as each site is created. For those of us in this situation, the changes we make really are unimportant because we are only making those changes in order to prove to ourselves that WebCat is actually changing the data the way we expect it to.But on a live server, there may still be reasons why we would not want RAM-cached data overwriting our new data, whether or not it has been changed.For example, sometimes I take my db and load it into Panorama so I can make some global changes to a whole lot of records. I use Panorama because it's got a desktop interface and the tools I need to do things WebCat cannot -- and it's fast.Now, I want to upload my newly-changed and exported db to the server so WebCat can use it. But I don't want WebCat overwriting my new db with the old one when I replace it manually.However, WebCat *will* overwrite my new db as soon as my next web site visitor makes a change to this database thru one of WebCat's templates, because my new db will have a different mod date than the file it's replacing. :So I need to take special precautions to keep that from happening:1- Quit WebCat to prevent it from overwriting our new db files, or ... 2- Use one of Christer's suggestions, either of which work very well.I've used both of Christer's suggestions, but not in development except to test them. In development it's easier for me to quit WebCat, then replace the files manually, then restart WebCat.But on a live server his #2 suggestion is the one I've used the most, probably because it lets me change my db format (I can add new fields, change field names, etc.) ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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