WebDNA: an incredibly flexible scripting language and database system

WebDNA is an easy-to-learn server-side scripting language specifically designed for creating feature rich, database-driven websites. At the heart of WebDNA is a speedy, embeded database system that integrates seamlessly with the syntax of the scripting language.

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texte = WebDNA facilitates a wide range of solutions for the developer, from very basic form-to-email to highly sophisticated. Very easy to learn and understand, powerful WebDNA instructions are much cleaner than the more complex php/MySQL or ".NET solutions" code. A developer can concentrate on creating website features instead of worrying about complex syntax and database configuration. This characteristic directly affects project costs and deadlines (the bottom line). - Donovan Brooke WebDNA comes in two product types and a few editions to help meet all the web hosting trends and hosting configurations. Wether you are an ISP or an individual server admin, WSC has a solution tailored to you. WebDNA can interact with HTML5, CSS3, Flash, JavaScript / Ajax, and many other client-side technologies to create the perfect client-to-server balance. WebDNA integrates with many API's, such as payment gateways, shipping rate quotes, and many other web services. WebDNA is a "play nice with others" application. Whether you need to build a dynamic e-commerce website, another "FameBook" or "FleaBay", or simply just need to password protect a file, WebDNA will allow you to do it much faster and more easily than other solutions. Try WebDNA for Free today!

WebDNA facilitates a wide range of solutions for the developer, from very basic form-to-email to highly sophisticated. Very easy to learn and understand, powerful WebDNA instructions are much cleaner than the more complex php/MySQL or ".NET solutions" code. A developer can concentrate on creating website features instead of worrying about complex syntax and database configuration. This characteristic directly affects project costs and deadlines (the bottom line). - Donovan Brooke

WebDNA comes in two product types and a few editions to help meet all the web hosting trends and hosting configurations. Wether you are an ISP or an individual server admin, WSC has a solution tailored to you.

WebDNA can interact with HTML5, CSS3, Flash, JavaScript / Ajax, and many other client-side technologies to create the perfect client-to-server balance. WebDNA integrates with many API's, such as payment gateways, shipping rate quotes, and many other web services.

WebDNA is a "play nice with others" application. Whether you need to build a dynamic e-commerce website, another "FameBook" or "FleaBay", or simply just need to password protect a file, WebDNA will allow you to do it much faster and more easily than other solutions.

Try WebDNA for Free today!


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