What is WebDNA?

WebDNA is a scripting language application that connects with web servers for the purpose of adding dynamic and database-driven qualities to web sites. WebDNA code is most often interwoven into HTML files.

numero = 38
interpreted = N
texte = Unlike static websites, WebDNA-driven sites are interpreted by the WebDNA engine on the server before being sent to the browser. For example; if you wanted to display the current date on your web page and you didn't have a scripting language to help you, you'd have to wake up every morning at 12:01 AM to edit your website to the current date. With WebDNA, you just type '[date]' within your HTML files, and then forget about setting the alarm clock. WebDNA will interpret [date] to the current date automatically. That, of course, is a simple example and is just the very start of serving dynamic web pages. WEBDNA BENEFITS With both scripting and database features built-in, WebDNA adds incredible power to any Web site! WebDNA code employs simple text markup tags and contexts that will be intuitive to anyone with basic HTML knowledge, and powerful enough for professional programmers. WebDNA can be used to construct sophisticated database searches, resulting in formatted output, without the need for connecting to a separate database such as SQL. However, WebDNA does include the option to connect to these databases with it's own simple-to-use syntax. Coding with WebDNA is both fun and effective. Beginners are amazed at how much can be understood in a short period, and veteran WebDNA'ers will always express how powerful and efficient WebDNA is compared to other languages. Unlike static websites, WebDNA-driven sites are interpreted by the WebDNA engine on the server before being sent to the browser.

For example; if you wanted to display the current date on your web page and you didn't have a scripting language to help you, you'd have to wake up every morning at 12:01 AM to edit your website to the current date. With WebDNA, you just type '[date]' within your HTML files, and then forget about setting the alarm clock. WebDNA will interpret [date] to the current date automatically.

That, of course, is a simple example and is just the very start of serving dynamic web pages.


With both scripting and database features built-in, WebDNA adds incredible power to any Web site! WebDNA code employs simple text markup tags and contexts that will be intuitive to anyone with basic HTML knowledge, and powerful enough for professional programmers.

WebDNA can be used to construct sophisticated database searches, resulting in formatted output, without the need for connecting to a separate database such as SQL. However, WebDNA does include the option to connect to these databases with it's own simple-to-use syntax.

Coding with WebDNA is both fun and effective. Beginners are amazed at how much can be understood in a short period, and veteran WebDNA'ers will always express how powerful and efficient WebDNA is compared to other languages. WebDNA Team


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