alternative to [shownext]

This will show your next links in the format of Page 1 | 2 | 3 etc and can be used even when the page isn't a results page from a [search] command

numero = 306
interpreted = N
texte =
[search db=YOURDATABSE.DB&eqSEARCH_CRITERIAdatarq=SOMETHING][text show=f]dividerA=[math]ceil([numfound]/25)[/math][/text]Page: [loop start=1&end=[dividerA]]<a href="YOUR_RESULTS_PAGE.html?startnum=[math]([index]*25)-24[/math]">[index]</a> | [/loop][/search]
This example breaks down the results pages into lists of 25 results per page. Substitute for the 25 in all places as needed, subtract one number from the one you use to get the last digit in this formula: ?startnum=[math]([index]*25)-24[/math] On YOUR_RESULTS_PAGE, you will have the actual search and add this to your query: &max=25&startat=[startnum]. Again substituting the 25 with a digit of your choosing for how many results you want per page. Some improvement of this code, by Govinda:
[!]---This all goes inside your [search] context--[/!][text show=F]max2find=2[/text][!]<----change this # to how many you want in each "chunk"[/!][text show=f]dividerA=[math]ceil([numfound]/[max2find])[/math][/text][loop start=1&end=[dividerA]]<a href="[thisurl]?startnum=[math show=T]([index]*[max2find])-([max2find]-1)[/math][FormVariables][hideif [URL][name][/URL]=startnum]&[name]=[value][/hideif][/FormVariables]">[math show=T]GarysStarter=([index]*[max2find])-([max2find]-1)[/math]-[math show=T]([GarysStarter]+[max2find]-1)[/math]</a> | [/loop]
[text show=f]dividerA=[math]ceil([numfound]/25)[/math][/text]
[loop start=1&end=[dividerA]]
<a href="YOUR_RESULTS_PAGE.html?startnum=[math]([index]*25)-24[/math]">[index]</a> |

This example breaks down the results pages into lists of 25 results per page. Substitute for the 25 in all places as needed, subtract one number from the one you use to get the last digit in this formula: ?startnum=[math]([index]*25)-24[/math]

On YOUR_RESULTS_PAGE, you will have the actual search and add this to your query: &max=25&startat=[startnum]. Again substituting the 25 with a digit of your choosing for how many results you want per page.

Some improvement of this code, by Govinda:

[!]---This all goes inside your [search] context--[/!]
[text show=F]max2find=2[/text]
[!]<----change this # to how many you want in each "chunk"[/!]
[text show=f]dividerA=[math]ceil([numfound]/[max2find])[/math][/text]

[loop start=1&end=[dividerA]]
<a href="[thisurl]?startnum=[math show=T]([index]*[max2find])-([max2find]-1)[/math][formvariables][hideif [url][name][/URL]=startnum]&[name]=[value][/hideif][/FormVariables]">[math show=T]GarysStarter=([index]*[max2find])-([max2find]-1)[/math]-[math show=T]([GarysStarter]+[max2find]-1)[/math]</a> |
Gary Krockover


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