Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant

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texte = Agree with Interface and usability. Great book for developers to read. -----Original Message----- From: WebDNA Talk []On Behalf Of Terry Wilson Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 5:49 AM To: WebDNA Talk Subject: Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant I think web-based applications are great. I assume this is what you=20 are aiming for. Yours looks like a good idea, but you need to do a=20 design and usability face lift. For usability, Steven Krug's "Don't=20 Make Me think" is outstanding. Get this book if you don't already=20 have it, and re-read it if you do. I've been running (look at the demo) as a web=20 app for some time now, and can say that your best customer will be=20 the ones who come in off the internet and can figure out everything=20 on their own (i.e., they won't be bugging you for help). Customers=20 who come from local networking will take enormous amounts of your=20 time because they do not understand the concept of self-serve, or=20 they are not net-savvy and will need hand holding. This is why=20 interface and usability are so critical. Make it as idiot-proof as=20 possible so you don't have to provide tech support (I mean, you WILL=20 provide stellar tech support, but like insurance, you hope nobody=20 will have to use it). That said, the ones who do need help are=20 actually helping you (tremendously) by showing you where the system=20 is confusing, or by offering suggestions on what to add. So there is=20 a silver lining to the ones who need help. One thing I noticed right away is that you have too much at once on=20 the opening screen. On WhosComing, I've broken down the admin part=20 into a step-by-step process, and in my latest upgrade, I've added an=20 error checking/overview page to make it even easier for people to=20 find things. People can't digest everything on one screen. Make the=20 overview an option perhaps, but start people out with a few choices=20 and drill down to the places they need. It will look like an easy=20 system that they can manage if broken down like this. If you are asking for criticism on the functionality and concept,=20 really the only way to test that is to have people try it out in a=20 real-world situation, as in a paying customer. It's a big step to ask=20 people to pay for something that you know is not fully tested, but=20 when people have paid money for something, they WILL tell you what is=20 broken. People like us on the list will look at it for a few minutes=20 (if that) without really using the system. Hope this helps, Terry At 2:00 AM -0800 3/10/06, WebDNA Talk wrote: > >Here it is: > > > >Let me know what you think about it. > >Thanks, >Donovan > --=20 Terry Wilson | | - a simplified, affordable online reservation = system -- stylish protection for your laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - Attitude is the only difference between ordeal and adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to = Web Archive of this list is at: ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Terry Wilson 2006)
  2. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Pat McCormick 2006)
  3. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Donovan Brooke 2006)
  4. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( "Dan Strong" 2006)
  5. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Donovan Brooke 2006)
  6. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Gary Krockover 2006)
  7. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Brian Fries 2006)
  8. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( "Bess Ho" 2006)
  9. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( "Dan Strong" 2006)
  10. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Donovan Brooke 2006)
  11. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Donovan Brooke 2006)
  12. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Gary Krockover 2006)
  13. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Donovan Brooke 2006)
  14. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Donovan Brooke 2006)
  15. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Gary Krockover 2006)
  16. Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Terry Wilson 2006)
  17. Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant ( Donovan Brooke 2006)
Agree with Interface and usability. Great book for developers to read. -----Original Message----- From: WebDNA Talk []On Behalf Of Terry Wilson Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 5:49 AM To: WebDNA Talk Subject: Re: Robust WebDNA Job Manager / Accountant I think web-based applications are great. I assume this is what you=20 are aiming for. Yours looks like a good idea, but you need to do a=20 design and usability face lift. For usability, Steven Krug's "Don't=20 Make Me think" is outstanding. Get this book if you don't already=20 have it, and re-read it if you do. I've been running (look at the demo) as a web=20 app for some time now, and can say that your best customer will be=20 the ones who come in off the internet and can figure out everything=20 on their own (i.e., they won't be bugging you for help). Customers=20 who come from local networking will take enormous amounts of your=20 time because they do not understand the concept of self-serve, or=20 they are not net-savvy and will need hand holding. This is why=20 interface and usability are so critical. Make it as idiot-proof as=20 possible so you don't have to provide tech support (I mean, you WILL=20 provide stellar tech support, but like insurance, you hope nobody=20 will have to use it). That said, the ones who do need help are=20 actually helping you (tremendously) by showing you where the system=20 is confusing, or by offering suggestions on what to add. So there is=20 a silver lining to the ones who need help. One thing I noticed right away is that you have too much at once on=20 the opening screen. On WhosComing, I've broken down the admin part=20 into a step-by-step process, and in my latest upgrade, I've added an=20 error checking/overview page to make it even easier for people to=20 find things. People can't digest everything on one screen. Make the=20 overview an option perhaps, but start people out with a few choices=20 and drill down to the places they need. It will look like an easy=20 system that they can manage if broken down like this. If you are asking for criticism on the functionality and concept,=20 really the only way to test that is to have people try it out in a=20 real-world situation, as in a paying customer. It's a big step to ask=20 people to pay for something that you know is not fully tested, but=20 when people have paid money for something, they WILL tell you what is=20 broken. People like us on the list will look at it for a few minutes=20 (if that) without really using the system. Hope this helps, Terry At 2:00 AM -0800 3/10/06, WebDNA Talk wrote: > >Here it is: > > > >Let me know what you think about it. > >Thanks, >Donovan > --=20 Terry Wilson | | - a simplified, affordable online reservation = system -- stylish protection for your laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - Attitude is the only difference between ordeal and adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to = Web Archive of this list is at: ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: "Bess Ho"


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