www.webdna.us website is built with one single template

The www.webdna.us site was built in few hours only

numero = 21
interpreted = N
texte = This rich content site only uses one template and one database (yes, two files only!), and can be populated with thousand of pages without any problem: a simple form allows an admin to load new articles in the database or modify any of the existing ones. It is fast: a single page is completely dynamic, the content comes from a database, and it is loaded in 0.5 second on a fast connection, faster than a Google page takes: 0.6s according to VERTAIN.Everything is RAM-cached, allowing the fastest rendering as possible. The page title as well as Description Meta Tags are dynamically built, improving Google ranking. Building this site with WebDNA was much faster than using static pages. It is also extremely easy to maintain. This rich content site only uses one template and one database (yes, two files only!), and can be populated with thousand of pages without any problem: a simple form allows an admin to load new articles in the database or modify any of the existing ones. It is fast: a single page is completely dynamic, the content comes from a database, and it is loaded in 0.5 second on a fast connection, faster than a Google page takes: 0.6s according to VERTAIN.Everything is RAM-cached, allowing the fastest rendering as possible.

The page title as well as Description Meta Tags are dynamically built, improving Google ranking.

Building this site with WebDNA was much faster than using static pages. It is also extremely easy to maintain. WebDNA Team


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www.webdna.us website is built with one single template

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