Re: I'm tired of all this!

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numero = 27811
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texte = So, you asked me what the problem was so you can lecture me?You know that demos work much better than the actual product. Its like an advertisement of a beautiful steak at a restuarant. Seldom does it look like the picture. I liked Webcatalog for all it could do, but so far I have not seen it do all that because IT IS NOT WORKING and the engineers and techs are not helpful!Nobody told me I did not have to buy the software. They DID once offer me webhosting at very high price, but that was not until AFTER I bought the software and was having a hard time locating a webhosting company. They offered me co-location at a very high price. Again, I am just starting out and have a limited budget. It would be different if I was an AMAZON.COM or something but I am not.I joined the list before but since there was such a problem with installation and I kept getting all that email that I couldn't use I asked to be removed from the list. I thought that since it was installed already I could finally make use of the talklist but I came to find out that the cart is not functioning as it should even though my ISP followed every instruction to the T.I agree with you. I should never have bought webcat if I had not settled on a webhosting company. I had found one called DATEX and they said there would be no problem installing it. Turned out that they were not using the right software to run it and didn't tell me this for a few months. Supposedly they didn't know they couldn't. I then sought out another and am now with another that does have redhat 6 software, but like I said the SM people are not very knowledgeable or just not plain helpful in helping getting it installed properly.Are you reading my email thoroughly and carefully? If you are you would notice that I said I had bought a BETA version of Unix and wasn't told it was such so I had to exchange it, *exchange* it to the NT version (which I did not prefer), until the GOLD version of UNIX came out which was supposed to function alright. My only foolishness was trusting the PCS salespeople to be honest with me in the beginning. Had they been more honest it would have saved us all this trouble I am experiencing now.BTW, I was never told there was a demo that was downloadable and was merely referred to a website or two that I could look at. If you are getting into judging me, I will say this to you: First of all I still don't know who you are and if you work for PCS/SM and what you're title is. Second: I think it is foolish for one to judge another without getting all the facts first regarding the situation.You say who cares what platform I use? What you are suggesting is that I settle for what I don't want again. I tried that and you know perfectly well that the NT platform is less stable than UNIX. I initially asked for help in my problem, not a lecture or interrogation. Are you in the position to help me, if so, are you done with the interrogation now so you can help me(if you can), or did I just waste my breathe on a nobody that doesn't even work for SM?I guess you might be an expert at WEBDNA but you sure aren't too bright everywhere else. You could have said what the problem was and just suggested what you thought was the solution to begin with. Just the same, you are asking the wrong person. My ISP people are the one's that can answer your question because no matter what I tell you, unless you see it for yourself you won't understand how to fix it. SM already tried replicating the problem and got nowhere. BTW, if you don't care about all my problems why did you even bother wasting your time and mine? I guess some people just don't have a life. Some people just have nothing better to do than to lecture/judge others without getting the facts straight and you have your nerve calling *me* foolish? Sir, I suggest you look in the mirror before pointing the finger at others with your judgements and lectures. Realize that these words I am saying to you as a reply to your unwanted, uneeded and worthless email are only a reaction to your action. Realize that for every action there is a reaction. Are you done now? Thank you again for your useless jabber. Kenneth Grome wrote:> >I bought webcatalog last year (around June). I was told it would be EASY to install, no more > >than a weekend. > > Installation has never taken me more than a few minutes for any new version. Developing a store is a different matter ... > > >I wasn't even told that the UNIX version was BETA and found out months later. > > Why did you even consider buying it *before* using the demo version? That's why they have a demo version -- so you can make sure it works! > > And why didn't you join this list until now? This is the webcatalog support list for the software you purchased. You should have been on this list from the very beginning. In fact you should have joined this list even *before* you bought the software, if for no other reason than to see what the actual users are saying about it. > > >After months of waiting (and looking for a webhosting company that webcatalog could work with), > >I finally found one, and it aint cheap. > > PCS has been hosting webcatalog sites for years and they do NOT make you buy the software. Why didn't you just use them? You could have had your store online a year ago, easily. Others on this list have been hosting for quite some time as well, did it ever occur to you to save your money and just pay for a monthly webcatalog hosting service? > > I think you should never have purchased webcatalog in the first place until *AFTER* you settled on a hosting service. It's just plain foolish to buy software before you have chosen the computer it will be installed on, especially when the company that develops the software offers a free demo for you to install and use to prove to yourself that it's the right software for you. > > >They couldn't install the UNIX version so I asked for > >the NT version even though it wasn't what I wanted. > > So instead of finding a hosting service that could actually handle the UNIX version you really wanted -- or instead of getting your own server and running the UNIX version yourself -- you decided to do what you did not want to do ... and now it seems you're complaining about that decision also? > > What's the big deal which platform you use? Who cares? If you want it up-and-running, then you should just get it running on ANY platform you can get it to run on -- in demo mode FIRST -- before you buy it of course. > > >The problem with webcat is that it says I created the database and all the templates but when > >it says enter database there is an error reading no home.tpl found. > > 1- What is the *exact* error message webcatalog displays when this happens? Please copy and paste it into your next post to this list, so we can see what kind of error message you are actually receiving. When asking for tech support, you need to describe specific situations and quote exact responses, otherwise we cannot understand the actual problem well wnough to suggest a solution. > > 2- Did you actually look in the web folder hierarchy to see if the home.tpl page was created? If not, why not? If so, was it there or not? These are the kinds of things you need to explain very clearly ... > > >Now that you know basically what the story is, what can you suggest I do? BTW, I don't know who you are but I am assuming you work for Mirco Smith and could most probably help me out somehow. > > I do not work for Smith Micro, and I don't really care about all your problems with them. I am an expert webdna programmer however, and I thought you might be having a problem with the webdna code you have been writing -- a problem I could possibly help you with. > > Have you tried to learn any of the webdna language? Have you written any of your own webdna code? From what I can gather based on your email messages to this list, it sounds like all you've really done is tried to create a store with the storebuilder templates, and for some reason it didn't work on the UNIX box someone installed it on for you ... > > ================================ > Kenneth Grome, WebDNA Consultant > 808-737-6499 > ================================ > > ------------------------------------------------------------- > Brought to you by CommuniGate Pro - The Buzz Word Compliant Messaging Server. > To end your Mail problems go to . > > This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to > the mailing list . > To unsubscribe, E-mail to: > To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to ------------------------------------------------------------- Brought to you by CommuniGate Pro - The Buzz Word Compliant Messaging Server. To end your Mail problems go to .This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Kimberly D Ingram 2000)
  2. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Nicolas Verhaeghe 2000)
  3. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Dale Therio 2000)
  4. Re: I'm tired of all this! (J Lane 2000)
  5. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Stuart Tremain 2000)
  6. Re: I'm tired of all this! (J Lane 2000)
  7. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  8. Re: I'm tired of all this! (jhowarth 2000)
  9. Re: I'm tired of all this! (J Lane 2000)
  10. Re: I'm tired of all this! (J Lane 2000)
  11. Re: I'm tired of all this! (The Mooseman 2000)
  12. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  13. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Glenn Busbin 2000)
  14. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Vince Medina 2000)
  15. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  16. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  17. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  18. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  19. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Parker 2000)
  20. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Vince Medina 2000)
  21. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Joseph D'Andrea 2000)
  22. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  23. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  24. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Parker 2000)
  25. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  26. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Parker 2000)
  27. Re: I'm tired of all this! (WebDNA Support 2000)
  28. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  29. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  30. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  31. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  32. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  33. Re: I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
  34. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Kenneth Grome 2000)
  35. Re: I'm tired of all this! (Vince Medina 2000)
  36. I'm tired of all this! (M.B. 2000)
So, you asked me what the problem was so you can lecture me?You know that demos work much better than the actual product. Its like an advertisement of a beautiful steak at a restuarant. Seldom does it look like the picture. I liked Webcatalog for all it could do, but so far I have not seen it do all that because IT IS NOT WORKING and the engineers and techs are not helpful!Nobody told me I did not have to buy the software. They DID once offer me webhosting at very high price, but that was not until AFTER I bought the software and was having a hard time locating a webhosting company. They offered me co-location at a very high price. Again, I am just starting out and have a limited budget. It would be different if I was an AMAZON.COM or something but I am not.I joined the list before but since there was such a problem with installation and I kept getting all that email that I couldn't use I asked to be removed from the list. I thought that since it was installed already I could finally make use of the talklist but I came to find out that the cart is not functioning as it should even though my ISP followed every instruction to the T.I agree with you. I should never have bought webcat if I had not settled on a webhosting company. I had found one called DATEX and they said there would be no problem installing it. Turned out that they were not using the right software to run it and didn't tell me this for a few months. Supposedly they didn't know they couldn't. I then sought out another and am now with another that does have redhat 6 software, but like I said the SM people are not very knowledgeable or just not plain helpful in helping getting it installed properly.Are you reading my email thoroughly and carefully? If you are you would notice that I said I had bought a BETA version of Unix and wasn't told it was such so I had to exchange it, *exchange* it to the NT version (which I did not prefer), until the GOLD version of UNIX came out which was supposed to function alright. My only foolishness was trusting the PCS salespeople to be honest with me in the beginning. Had they been more honest it would have saved us all this trouble I am experiencing now.BTW, I was never told there was a demo that was downloadable and was merely referred to a website or two that I could look at. If you are getting into judging me, I will say this to you: First of all I still don't know who you are and if you work for PCS/SM and what you're title is. Second: I think it is foolish for one to judge another without getting all the facts first regarding the situation.You say who cares what platform I use? What you are suggesting is that I settle for what I don't want again. I tried that and you know perfectly well that the NT platform is less stable than UNIX. I initially asked for help in my problem, not a lecture or interrogation. Are you in the position to help me, if so, are you done with the interrogation now so you can help me(if you can), or did I just waste my breathe on a nobody that doesn't even work for SM?I guess you might be an expert at WEBDNA but you sure aren't too bright everywhere else. You could have said what the problem was and just suggested what you thought was the solution to begin with. Just the same, you are asking the wrong person. My ISP people are the one's that can answer your question because no matter what I tell you, unless you see it for yourself you won't understand how to fix it. SM already tried replicating the problem and got nowhere. BTW, if you don't care about all my problems why did you even bother wasting your time and mine? I guess some people just don't have a life. Some people just have nothing better to do than to lecture/judge others without getting the facts straight and you have your nerve calling *me* foolish? Sir, I suggest you look in the mirror before pointing the finger at others with your judgements and lectures. Realize that these words I am saying to you as a reply to your unwanted, uneeded and worthless email are only a reaction to your action. Realize that for every action there is a reaction. Are you done now? Thank you again for your useless jabber. Kenneth Grome wrote:> >I bought webcatalog last year (around June). I was told it would be EASY to install, no more > >than a weekend. > > Installation has never taken me more than a few minutes for any new version. Developing a store is a different matter ... > > >I wasn't even told that the UNIX version was BETA and found out months later. > > Why did you even consider buying it *before* using the demo version? That's why they have a demo version -- so you can make sure it works! > > And why didn't you join this list until now? This is the webcatalog support list for the software you purchased. You should have been on this list from the very beginning. In fact you should have joined this list even *before* you bought the software, if for no other reason than to see what the actual users are saying about it. > > >After months of waiting (and looking for a webhosting company that webcatalog could work with), > >I finally found one, and it aint cheap. > > PCS has been hosting webcatalog sites for years and they do NOT make you buy the software. Why didn't you just use them? You could have had your store online a year ago, easily. Others on this list have been hosting for quite some time as well, did it ever occur to you to save your money and just pay for a monthly webcatalog hosting service? > > I think you should never have purchased webcatalog in the first place until *AFTER* you settled on a hosting service. It's just plain foolish to buy software before you have chosen the computer it will be installed on, especially when the company that develops the software offers a free demo for you to install and use to prove to yourself that it's the right software for you. > > >They couldn't install the UNIX version so I asked for > >the NT version even though it wasn't what I wanted. > > So instead of finding a hosting service that could actually handle the UNIX version you really wanted -- or instead of getting your own server and running the UNIX version yourself -- you decided to do what you did not want to do ... and now it seems you're complaining about that decision also? > > What's the big deal which platform you use? Who cares? If you want it up-and-running, then you should just get it running on ANY platform you can get it to run on -- in demo mode FIRST -- before you buy it of course. > > >The problem with webcat is that it says I created the database and all the templates but when > >it says enter database there is an error reading no home.tpl found. > > 1- What is the *exact* error message webcatalog displays when this happens? Please copy and paste it into your next post to this list, so we can see what kind of error message you are actually receiving. When asking for tech support, you need to describe specific situations and quote exact responses, otherwise we cannot understand the actual problem well wnough to suggest a solution. > > 2- Did you actually look in the web folder hierarchy to see if the home.tpl page was created? If not, why not? If so, was it there or not? These are the kinds of things you need to explain very clearly ... > > >Now that you know basically what the story is, what can you suggest I do? BTW, I don't know who you are but I am assuming you work for Mirco Smith and could most probably help me out somehow. > > I do not work for Smith Micro, and I don't really care about all your problems with them. I am an expert webdna programmer however, and I thought you might be having a problem with the webdna code you have been writing -- a problem I could possibly help you with. > > Have you tried to learn any of the webdna language? Have you written any of your own webdna code? From what I can gather based on your email messages to this list, it sounds like all you've really done is tried to create a store with the storebuilder templates, and for some reason it didn't work on the UNIX box someone installed it on for you ... > > ================================ > Kenneth Grome, WebDNA Consultant > 808-737-6499 > ================================ > > ------------------------------------------------------------- > Brought to you by CommuniGate Pro - The Buzz Word Compliant Messaging Server. > To end your Mail problems go to . > > This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to > the mailing list . > To unsubscribe, E-mail to: > To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to ------------------------------------------------------------- Brought to you by CommuniGate Pro - The Buzz Word Compliant Messaging Server. To end your Mail problems go to .This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to M.B.


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