Re: What really killed WebDNA?

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texte = ....SmithMicro offering "support"? Waa-haa-haa! Best laugh in a whole year (with tears in my eyes and all)... But I'm 100% for open sourcing WebDNA to finally set it free from =20 it's current dead end. Excellent message, Le 07-10-18 =E0 22:52, Vincent Medina a =E9crit : > Absolutely there should be an open source project opened. WebDNA is =20= > SOOOOO > easy to do what other languages take lines and lines of code. SM =20 > should > offer a CE (Community Edition - FREE) and a Pro version which includes > product support etc. It is the smart thing to do and shouldn't cost =20= > them > anything and they still retain the rights! > > I still remember other coders messing with Cold Fusion and other =20 > CGI apps > trying to get a simple functional shopping cart working. I went out =20= > on the > net and found Pacific Cost Software spent $600 for a license and =20 > had a cart > working in 2 hours with no coding experience! It would be such a =20 > shame to > see this product die....... > > Vince > APCN > > > -----Original Message----- > From: WebDNA Talk [] On =20 > Behalf Of Will > Starck > Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 10:42 PM > To: WebDNA Talk > Subject: What really killed WebDNA? > > Hello- > > So, I've finally come to terms with the fact that WebDNA died round =20= > about > 2004 give or take a few days. > > Aside from the fact that SMSI was always a terrible fit for this =20 > product (my > apologies SM, but it's true), I've often wondered-what exactly was =20 > it that > killed WebDNA (btw, I always hated that name)? > > I've always been curious about that question. > > Was there a technical reason (i.e. inability to integrate it to =20 > emerging web > development trends, lack of new potential features that would justify > further upgrade cycles) or did SM just lose interest, or is/are =20 > there some > other reason(s)? > > I'd be interested in your theories - is there any reason to push =20 > for an open > source version, or should this dead horse stay dead because it is > irrelevant? > > Your long suffering friend, > > Will Starck > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------- > This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to > the mailing list . > To unsubscribe, E-mail to: > To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to > > Web Archive of this list is at: > > > ------------------------------------------------------------- > This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to > the mailing list . > To unsubscribe, E-mail to: > To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to> > Web Archive of this list is at: ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Toby Cox 2007)
  2. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Larry Hewitt 2007)
  3. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Jesse Proudman 2007)
  4. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Donovan Brooke 2007)
  5. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Clint Davis 2007)
  6. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Matthew Bohne 2007)
  7. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( "Gary Krockover" 2007)
  8. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Paul Willis 2007)
  9. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( "Dan Strong" 2007)
  10. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Dean Smith 2007)
  11. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Frank Nordberg 2007)
  12. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( "Will Starck" 2007)
  13. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Charles Kline 2007)
  14. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Frank Nordberg 2007)
  15. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Donovan Brooke 2007)
  16. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Stuart Tremain 2007)
  17. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( "Chris Moore" 2007)
  18. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( "Dan Strong" 2007)
  19. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Gary Krockover 2007)
  20. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Claude Gelinas 2007)
  21. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( Stuart Tremain 2007)
  22. Re: What really killed WebDNA? ( "Vincent Medina" 2007)
  23. What really killed WebDNA? ( "Will Starck" 2007)
....SmithMicro offering "support"? Waa-haa-haa! Best laugh in a whole year (with tears in my eyes and all)... But I'm 100% for open sourcing WebDNA to finally set it free from =20 it's current dead end. Excellent message, Le 07-10-18 =E0 22:52, Vincent Medina a =E9crit : > Absolutely there should be an open source project opened. WebDNA is =20= > SOOOOO > easy to do what other languages take lines and lines of code. SM =20 > should > offer a CE (Community Edition - FREE) and a Pro version which includes > product support etc. It is the smart thing to do and shouldn't cost =20= > them > anything and they still retain the rights! > > I still remember other coders messing with Cold Fusion and other =20 > CGI apps > trying to get a simple functional shopping cart working. I went out =20= > on the > net and found Pacific Cost Software spent $600 for a license and =20 > had a cart > working in 2 hours with no coding experience! It would be such a =20 > shame to > see this product die....... > > Vince > APCN > > > -----Original Message----- > From: WebDNA Talk [] On =20 > Behalf Of Will > Starck > Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 10:42 PM > To: WebDNA Talk > Subject: What really killed WebDNA? > > Hello- > > So, I've finally come to terms with the fact that WebDNA died round =20= > about > 2004 give or take a few days. > > Aside from the fact that SMSI was always a terrible fit for this =20 > product (my > apologies SM, but it's true), I've often wondered-what exactly was =20 > it that > killed WebDNA (btw, I always hated that name)? > > I've always been curious about that question. > > Was there a technical reason (i.e. inability to integrate it to =20 > emerging web > development trends, lack of new potential features that would justify > further upgrade cycles) or did SM just lose interest, or is/are =20 > there some > other reason(s)? > > I'd be interested in your theories - is there any reason to push =20 > for an open > source version, or should this dead horse stay dead because it is > irrelevant? > > Your long suffering friend, > > Will Starck > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------- > This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to > the mailing list . > To unsubscribe, E-mail to: > To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to > > Web Archive of this list is at: > > > ------------------------------------------------------------- > This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to > the mailing list . > To unsubscribe, E-mail to: > To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to> > Web Archive of this list is at: ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Claude Gelinas


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