Check the Federal Government's Social Security database

The script on the page will check the federal government's social security database

numero = 206
interpreted = N
texte = Here's a handy page and database. The script on the page will go through every database record and check the federal government's social security database and update the list to indicate which people in the database are deceased. Great for maintaining mailing lists. You don't need to populate all of the fields. I got good responses with only firstname, lastname, middle initial, and zip code. The more you know, the more accurate the results. It's best to test some search strings manually against the server. You may want to tweak the startafter and endbefore parameters of the [middle] context. The TCP example here shows that, in order to send lots of name-variable pairs to the target server using TCP connect & send, you place those variables in the URL, which is in the first line of the [tcpsend] context.
<html><head><title>Who's Dead?</title></head><body>[search db=people.db&geskudata=0][founditems][text]the_variables=stat=a[!][/!]&lastname=[lastName]&[!][/!]nt=exact&[!][/!]firstname=[firstName]&[!][/!]middlename=[middle]&[!][/!]ssn=[ssn]&[!][/!]zip=[zip]&[!][/!]ls=[state]&[!][/!]lc=[county]&[!][/!]lct=[city]&[!][/!]birth=[birthYear]&[!][/!]bmo=[birthMonth]&[!][/!]bda=[birthDay]&[!][/!]death=[deathYear]&[!][/!]dmo=[deathMonth]&[!][/!]issue=[issueState][/text][text show=F]strippedDown=[removeHTML][middle startafter=full-featured&endbefore=(initial)][!][/!][tcpconnect][!][/!][tcpsend skipheader=T]POST /cgi-bin/ssdi.cgi?[the_variables] HTTP/1.0[UnURL]%0D%0A[/UnURL][!][/!]USER-AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)[UnURL]%0D%0A[/UnURL][!][/!][/TCPSend][!][/!][/tcpconnect][/middle][/removeHTML][/text]<br />[firstName] [lastName] is [showif [strippedDown]^foundCheck]alive![/showif][!][/!][hideif [strippedDown]^foundCheck]dead.[!][/!][replace db=people.db&eqskudatarq=[sku]]status=dead[/replace][/hideif]<br />[/founditems][/search]</body></html>---------------------------- Fields for people.db ----------------------------skufirstNamemiddlelastNamecitystatezipcountyssnstatusbirthYearbirthMonthbirthDaydeathYeardeathMonthissueState
Here's a handy page and database. The script on the page will go through every database record and Check the Federal Government's Social Security database and update the list to indicate which people in the database are deceased. Great for maintaining mailing lists.

You don't need to populate all of the fields. I got good responses with only firstname, lastname, middle initial, and zip code. The more you know, the more accurate the results.

It's best to test some search strings manually against the server. You may want to tweak the startafter and endbefore parameters of the [middle] context.

The TCP example here shows that, in order to send lots of name-variable pairs to the target server using TCP connect & send, you place those variables in the URL, which is in the first line of the [tcpsend] context.

<title>Who's Dead?</title>

[search db=people.db&geskudata=0][founditems]

[text show=F]strippedDown=[removehtml][middle startafter=full-featured&endbefore=(initial)][!]
[/!][tcpsend skipheader=T]POST /cgi-bin/ssdi.cgi?[the_variables] HTTP/1.0[unurl]%0D%0A[/UnURL][!]
[/!]USER-AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
[/!][/tcpconnect][/middle][/removeHTML][/text]<br />

[firstName] [lastName] is [showif [strippedDown]^foundCheck]alive![/showif][!]
[/!][hideif [strippedDown]^foundCheck]dead.[!]
[/!][replace db=people.db&eqskudatarq=[sku]]status=dead[/replace][/hideif]<br />

---------------------------- Fields for people.db ----------------------------
Patrick Mac Cormick


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